Cannabis Nutrient Schedule Example: Seedling to Harvest

Providing the right nutrients at the right time is crucial for healthy cannabis plants and high yields. Below is a typical nutrient schedule broken into phases: Seedling, Vegetative, and Flowering stages. Adjust the feeding amounts based on plant response and strain-specific needs.

General Guidelines

  • Start Slow: Begin with half the recommended nutrient dosage to avoid nutrient burn, especially with young plants.
  • Monitor pH Levels: Keep pH between 6.0-6.5 for soil and 5.5-6.0 for hydroponics.
  • Flush the Medium: In soil, flush the plants with water every 3-4 weeks to prevent salt buildup.
  • Observe Plant Response: Adjust feeding based on leaf color, growth rate, and any signs of deficiencies or toxicity.

Sample Nutrient Schedule

Week Phase Nutrient (N-P-K Ratio) Dosage (Per Gallon of Water) Notes
1-2 Seedling 1-1-1 (Mild Starter) ¼ tsp Use minimal nutrients; focus on root development.
3-4 Early Vegetative 3-1-2 (Nitrogen-Rich) ½ tsp Increase nitrogen to encourage leaf growth.
5-6 Vegetative 4-2-3 1 tsp Monitor for healthy foliage and strong branches.
7 Transition (Pre-Flower) 2-2-2 ¾ tsp Prepare the plant for flowering by reducing nitrogen.
8-10 Early Flowering 1-3-4 (Phosphorus-Rich) 1 tsp Increase phosphorus for bud development.
11-13 Mid-Flowering 0-3-5 1½ tsp Boost potassium to improve resin and terpene production.
14 Late Flowering 0-1-2 1 tsp Reduce nutrients to avoid harsh flavors in the final product.
15 Flush Water Only – Flush the medium with plain water to remove nutrient buildup before harvest.

Additional Tips for Success

  • Light Schedule: Maintain an 18/6 light cycle during the vegetative phase and switch to 12/12 for flowering.
  • Temperature and Humidity: Keep temperatures between 70-85°F (21-29°C) with humidity levels between 40-60%.
  • Watering Frequency: Water only when the top inch of soil feels dry to prevent overwatering.
  • Cal-Mag Supplement: Use a Calcium-Magnesium supplement if you see signs of deficiencies, especially in hydroponic systems.